The Second Secret to Healing Trauma Deeply

There are seasons upon seasons in our lives. Just as there is a season when it’s time to heed the insistent calling of our Souls, there are also seasons that are optimally prepared to support us in moving forward with the deep healing of trauma we need, to be freed to transform our lives and marriages, and fulfill our Soul’s callings.

Shadow Season is such a time.

In this post I share with you how to receive the gift that Shadow Season offers, so you can heal trauma and the Patriarchy Core Wound™ and move forward on your Soul’s journey with freedom and the most ease.

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The Deep Healing Magic of Shadow Season

Mystery schools have always taught that renewal and rebirth come after a deep inner change, a deep healing, a transformation of heart and mind and of the recipient’s inner world ~ a remembrance and return to the Self. This deeper healing is the essence of the Inner Work of the Heroine’s Journey. Scorpio more than any other sign helps us take this deep dive, staying focused on the journey through to the completion. To do this Inner Work, we cross into the Otherworld, what James Hillman, the founder of archetypal psychology and the Sufi’s call the Imaginal World intermingling with this world of form, where we can access the primordial stuff of myth and magic, the energy of the process of creation. This is the place of deep healing and transformation.

Shadow Season is the gift of time in the annual cycle of the Wheel of the Year, to support us to engage in this deeper work of Inner Healing, renewal and rebirth. And sometimes, we are pulled into the mist of the Otherworld for this very purpose, whether we consciously choose to do so or not…

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