What is Energy Psychology? Introduction to the Science Behind the Magic of Lasting Healing and Transformation

What is the secret to the results that clients experience through their work with me? What is the science behind the “magic” and profound healing and transformation clients experience?

The Sophia Method™ of Energy Therapy and Spiritual Life Coaching is based on Energy Therapy. These are resources that empower us to go to the level of invisible, energetic root cause of the challenges in our lives and relationships, so these underlying issues, which are very often hidden from our conscious awareness, can be accessed, released and resolved. Once these root causes of client’s problems are released, Energy Therapy resources then are powerful tools to create the energetic matrix and foundation for living and loving, serving and contributing in your highest and best way ~ for creating and living your best life and Soul embodiment in your life now. They have profound emotional, spiritual and relationship benefits and are in process of being researched by the academic community.

Energy Therapy methods include the best resources I know of for healing trauma and it’s after-effects, both in a woman’s own life and relationships and in her previous generations that have been passed on to her, as well as profound resources for personal empowerment to fulfill her Soul Purpose.

Sound intriguing and compelling? Yes they are! Energy Therapy methods are the cutting-edge exciting pioneer in the healing, personal growth and Self-actualization field. This article gives a succinct introductory overview, and how I use them in The Sophia Method™.

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The High Cost of Waiting

Time. Time is the only non-renewable resource we have.

This is one woman’s story of waiting, almost too long as it turned out, and the transformation of her life when she finally said Yes to her heart’s Desires.

What if she had not said yes? What if the tragedy that came to her heart and home had occurred before she took her Heroine’s Journey? What if she had waited too long?

This is her story of an even bigger tragedy that was averted because she said Yes to her heart’s inner knowing. She is profoundly grateful to this day, for this and many other reasons that she didn’t wait any longer to fulfill her heart’s deep Desires.

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Patience, Self-mastery and Your Heroine's Journey

Some ask how faith in God fits into the bigger picture of transforming your life or marriage, and Self-realization. Readers who are familiar at all with my work, and certainly those who work with me personally know that I credit the Divine as the Creator and Author of all possibility to change, and that we gain access to the power to change and grow through faith in Jesus Christ.

This post is from a talk I gave in a Sunday worship service of the church I belong to. I share it to give you a deeper understanding from a Scriptural viewpoint of the Heroine’s Journey toward perfection and growth into becoming our True Selves, and receiving the Fullness of God.

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Not One Sparrow is Forgotten: A Mother's Day Message

Living Water began 4 years ago around Mother’s Day, when I was prompted to share messages from Divine Mother for spiritually searching and awakening women. This year’s Mothers Day post is a message from her that I received over the course of about 10 days this month. It’s her response to a lovely modern hymn I sang a couple of years ago. .

Not One Sparrow is Forgotten was written for, and recorded by the Dale Warland Singers. It is modern American hymnody at it very best, and touched me deeply when I first sang it. You can listen to the clip at the end of the message. Not One Sparrow has lingered in my mind and heart, as I have felt these questions myself.

Women who are searching deeply within themselves for answers to difficult experiences of personal, family or systemic abuse and/or trauma will find guidance, love, encouragement and hope. Women who are seeking and ready to step up to a greater role in the transformation and great shift that we are moving into will find encouragement and empowerment. Men will find love and guidance. She Desires that all feel deeply heard, seen, witnessed and loved.

Divine Mother is speaking to more and more of us. Blessed Be!

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Beethoven & Transformation: On Singing the Ninth Symphony

Beethoven’s 9th Symphony is generally thought to be the greatest art masterwork of the Western world. Why is it so enduringly inspiring and monumentally moving? What does Beethoven himself, and this “symphony to end all symphonies” have to tell us about transformation? Why is it that this symphony is so beloved the world over, that it has inspired movements of transformational change for nearly 200 years? How can Beethoven inspire you?

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Are Talk, Insight, Managing Your Mindset, and Radical Responsibility Enough to Transform Your Life and Manifest Your Dreams?

Is talking about what we Desire in life ~ talking about our dreams ~ and gaining insight about them enough to manifest them?    Is talk or CBT therapy, which includes a lot of developing insight about ourselves, our marriages, and how we came to be where we are in our lives enough to fundamentally change the course of our lives and marriages?  

Is changing our “mindset”  and radical self-responsibility, as coaches in the conventional life and business coaching world emphasize, enough to realize our dreams?

Surely, self-reflection, self- responsibility and taking action by learning and using new skills are part of manifesting our dreams, you might say.   And I agree.

While talk, insight, changing your mindset and learning and using new skills are good things, and have their place, I will tell you a truth in this article that others will not say. 

Talk, insight, changing your mindset and learning and using new skills are NOT enough to raise ourselves up to a fundamental new level of love, fulfillment and joy in our personal lives or marriages.   And they never will be. 

So then, what does it really take to manifest your dreams in the real world? 

Find out in this post.

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On Rebirth & Renewal: Reflections on the Resurrection

This is the second of two posts about the spiritual power that is the source of our ability to change., to grow, to heal and to transform our lives and our marriages, and ultimately, the source of our ability to fulfill our destinies.    

". . The Resurrection is more than something that happens sometime in the future ~ the physical reuniting of our bodies with our spirits.  The Resurrection is also being raised up in this Earth life.

Jesus descended to Earth, he condescended to live a mortal life, to get in the game of mortality, to be all in, and live among us, to experience the messiness, the pain, the sorrow, the physical challenges and limitations, temptations, sorrows, heartaches, as well as the joys, the sweetness, the triumphs, the growth and the love, to walk and love and serve and experience mortality among us in full humanity, so that he can raise us up, not only in the physical Resurrection sometime, somewhere out there and then, but also here and now, in the midst of our own mortal lives. 

Because of his life, his Atonement and his Resurrection, we can be renewed and reborn to newness of life spiritually and emotionally here and now."

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Reflections on the Atonement

Spiritual power..  The source of our ability to change, to grow and to heal, to transform our lives, to create the loving marriages we deeply Desire and to fulfill our unique destinies is grounded in spiritual power.  

This post, from a talk I gave in church a few years ago on Easter, shares my reflections on the source of that power ~ the Atonement of Jesus Christ.   

What I share in this post and a companion piece form the foundational bedrock of my deepest beliefs and convictions about the possibility and power we all have to transform our lives, our marriages and fulfill our Destinies.  While I may not speak about this directly or often, they are at the heart of everything I teach and everything I do in the Sophia Women's Institute.  These teachings are included in the women's mystery teachings and schools, and have been from time immemorial. 

In this post I share my thoughts about the gift and meaning of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, for all of us.  While I speak from my point of view as an LDS woman, I believe these reflections speak to the needs and yearnings of every one of us, and are universal just as the Atonement itself is universal.    

May these reflections  bring you joy and gladness, hope and renewal this Easter season and always!


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Why Is The ONE Question so Transformative? A Deeper Look

Are you ready to transform your life and marriage, so you have more joy, love, happiness and deepened fulfillment and want to know how to start?  Are you tired of going around the surface of things with no real, lasting changes?  Do you often feel that you have gone around a merry-go-round in your life or marriage too many times, and it's time for lasting, substantive change? 

You can begin your journey to the life, love and fulfillment that will make your heart sing with joy ~ your Heroine's Journey ~ with one transformative question.  This is the question that I was given many years ago, that empowered me to heal from a second divorce, and co-create the deepened happiness and fulfillment, and my joyful marriage with my Beloved, for over 23 years. 

You too, can receive this question and learn WHY it has such transformative power to change your life and marriage, and learn HOW to receive your copy today.

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Are You Stuck on the Relationship Roller Coaster?

Relationship problems are like songs we don’t like.   We have conflict or problems in our relationships, so we change something we’re doing. It’s just like we change the songs we listen to, when we are tired of hearing them or don’t like them anymore.  

The disturbing thing is, when you keep trying to change the songs of your relationship problems, you really prolong them.  Why?   

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