You’re born for more, and you feel it deep inside.

Deep in your bones and woman’s Inner Knowing, you know there is more love, joy and fulfillment you are meant to experience, and something more – something in some way bigger – you are meant to give the world. You feel it like a deep, insistent restlessness and discontent that can’t be shut down or silenced. It’s with you in your mind and heart, pulling at you in the background, getting stronger and stronger, day and night.

You’re born for more, and you know it, and you hunger for whatever this is that won’t let you go.

And yet . . .

With everything you have accomplished to this point in your life, the deepened love, joy and fulfillment, the greater contributions and expansions of your unique gifts for the world that you hunger to give, still elude you. Painful emotions such as fears, anxiety, grief or guilt may be stopping you. Your life is great by outward appearances, yet you feel imprisoned inside. You may have tried to ignore the insistent restlessness, you may have tried to listen and follow, to understand what this deep discontent means. And you have done your best to step into these expansions, perhaps through counseling or coaching. Yet they still elude you, like trying to capture the first frost of autumn. In quiet moments, you feel yourself at a threshold that you don’t know how to cross over, despite all your efforts to do so. You may feel burn out creeping in at the edges, from all the effort and work you have been expending.

You feel stuck. Something is holding you back. And with every passing day, another opportunity is gone that will never come again.

Life is too short to stay stuck.

Hydrangea close up - You cam to this life to live and love freely and joyfully.  You came to give the gift that only you can give.  You came to flourish.

First, you must get unstuck. To finally get unstuck, you must find and heal the invisible, hidden barrier you cannot see, that is holding you back. Whatever it is, this obstacle is preventing you from doing things differently, and becoming the highest version of you. To create and experience the new dreams you hunger for, to do your great work and make your highest contributions, you must not only do things differently, you must become the highest version of you. This is the transformational secret that few others will tell you: You must step into the highest version of you and learn to live, love and work as yourSelf in the world. This requires healing the core wounds of your shadow self - that part of you that is beyond your conscious awareness of yourself, often goes beyond this life, and that you likely have little or no conscious connection to.

We think in the Western world that we have lived in for hundreds of years now, that if we can just learn more, work harder, and do more, we can achieve our dreams. This is the outside-in path of Do – Have – Be; the path of the Hero’s Quest. And while it will take you to a point, it is a path of struggle and hard work.

Like most ambitious, high-achieving women all around you, you likely have achieved the goals you set for yourself to this point in your life, through following this path. And then there came a time when it didn’t work anymore. This was when you reached the threshold that you can’t cross over. Women who have reached this threshold have advanced as far as we can through following the Hero’s Quest, and we find ourselves restless, dissatisfied, deeply discontented, often with a dryness and aridity of Soul. Deep inside, we feel Soul pain, and it can be excruciating. This is when we begin to awaken to the Patriarchy Core Wound™ - inside of us.

I too, have been in that place of deep discontent and feeling that I was off course in my life and work in the world.

I too, wanted deeper love, joy and fulfillment; to make a greater impact through my work, and to leave a lasting legacy through my highest contributions for the world. I wanted deeper love and connection in my marriage, and more joy with my children and grandchildren. So I began a journey to heal the restlessness and insistent, urgent feeling that I was off track, and to get back on course so that I could experience the deeper connection I Desired with my husband and family, and can fulfill the highest purpose of my life and work - the Soul-level work I promised I would do before this life. I found what I sought, and learned the lost secrets to healing a woman’s aridity of Soul. As a Women’s Trauma Healing Energy Therapist and spiritual mentor, I’ve been guiding other spiritually-searching women with these healing answers, resources and timeless knowledge for over 30 years now, because I deeply care about you and the women of the world, and that we become empowered and able to fulfill the sacred agreements we all have to heal, transform and love the people in this world through the gifts each is uniquely called to share.

Isabella happy woman in her mid 50s-min.png

Isabella felt like she was living a double life. She deeply wanted to make changes in her profession but felt trapped by pressure to see as many clients as possible each day. She also wanted changes in her marriage, but her husband was unresponsive to her efforts to reclaim the magic and partnership they had in the beginning. Then out of the blue Isabella reconnected with a long-lost friend and love, and knew she could not remain as she was. That was when she contacted me.

Isabella needed a SOULShift, and through our work together, she achieved it.

The essence of what I learned:

The journey took years, and what I learned was surprising, and yet profoundly familiar. To achieve the deepened, expanded love, joy, fulfillment and contribution you hunger for and know deep in your Inner Knowing is the reason you are here, you must shift from the Hero’s Quest to a new paradigm for achieving your dreams. The paradigm shift needed is found by regaining ancient deep wisdom and healing and applying them in your life today.

This wisdom taught by sages and mystics in all the wisdom traditions and lineages, teaches that to live with the most fulfillment, joy and love, to your highest potential, and to achieve your goals and make your own unique highest contributions for others, you must first BE your highest Self. This is the opposite of the outside-in path of the Hero’s Quest. The shift you must make in order to step over the threshold is to step onto the inside-out path of Be – Do – Have. This is at the heart of the Heroine’s Journey. You will begin to cross the threshold you’ve been yearning to cross and achieve your new dreams, when you step onto this new paradigm, and shift into living, loving and leading from Be-ing.

How You Were Disconnected from Your Highest Self and Why It’s Not Your Fault

Before this life, you were connected to your Highest Self. You came into this life in part, to learn how to live as your True Self in a physical world of matter, form, and contrast. You came to this world to learn how to manifest in a physical time-space reality, the truth of who you are in a world of the contrast of opposites, to learn to love in this world of opposites, and to make the significant and unique contributions that only you can make in this physical world of form.

But first as we all do, you went through a great forgetting in the process of coming into this physical world. And if you are like the overwhelming majority of women, you also experienced a disconnection from your Essence, your True Self as a woman. The Hero’s Quest has been the dominant model of living in our Western world for thousands of years. It is so dominant, that most women are unconscious of it, or that this is the model of life we’ve been imprinted with since earliest childhood, and live by. The Hero’s Quest is anchored in the dominating patriarchal cultural, religious and educational systems that saturate and form the bedrock of Western civilization. Through simply living in this cultural environment most women have been significantly disconnected from the essence of who we really are, and from our unique and innate power and gifts.

Most women have also been injured. Research indicates that at least two-thirds of Americans alone, experienced at least one significant childhood adverse experience of the kind that leaves a traumatic impact. 1 Whether emotional, physical, spiritual or sexual, whether abuse or neglect, whether some form of traumatic loss or other forms of traumatic experiences, whether it happened in childhood or later in life, whether past-life trauma, or generational trauma, if you are like most women, you not only experienced the forgetting that is part of coming to this planet, you also carry the added challenges and traumatic injuries of living in a world that disconnects you profoundly from who you really are as a woman, and from knowing and Being your True Self. This wound of being disconnected from your True Self, comes from the biggest core wound of all - the Patriarchy Core Wound™. Beginning to gain freedom from the Patriarchy Core Wound, anchored in your own life, past lives and previous generations, is the crucial turning point to re-connecting with your True Self.

Purple hydrangea - Somewhere in this mix of experiences is the most urgent hidden trauma of the Patrichy Core Wound holding you back ...Finding and Healing it is the shift that changes everything

Somewhere in this mix of experiences from your own life and beyond this life, is your most urgent hidden trauma of the larger Patriarchy Core Wound that is holding you back. These traumas and elements of the Patriarchy Core Wound disconnect you from your Essence as a woman, from knowing yourself as you really are, and from you innate woman’s gifts and innate Feminine Spiritual Power™. Healing them is essential so that you can step over the threshold into Being your Highest Self, fulfilling your Soul’s Great Work and achieving your new dreams for the rich and fulfilling life you Desire now. This is the Soul Work you’re being called to embark upon now.

Why Soul Work, Healing the Patriarchy Core Wound and Reconnecting With Your Highest Self Matters

The deepest, most profound, life-changing knowledge taught in all the ancient Western Mystery Schools was this: “Know Thyself” – meaning to come to remember and then to know ourselves as our highest, True Selves. For thousands of years, Mystery Schools guided thousands of people including women, on an experiential educational, spiritual and healing path of remembering, reconnecting, experiencing and then living as their True Selves in the world.

Interwoven with their journeys to Self-Knowledge was healing deep core wounds. In fact, healing past life trauma and/or generational trauma often goes hand in glove with Patriarchy Core Wound healing, and the journey to Self-Knowledge. Through this path of shadow work including deep healing and gaining Self-Knowledge, initiates created the lives they deeply Desired, and accomplished their own Great Work in the world. Initiates of the Mystery Schools collectively brought in the Renaissance, after the darkness of the one thousand years of the Middles Ages. They kept alive the knowledge and path of the Mystery Schools hidden in the symbolism of the art, music, literature, myth and folk tales of the era. Today we are still stirred, inspired and deeply moved by this body of art because they evoke the memory of the path and the Truth of ourSelves in our bodies, through our DNA, and in our own Souls.

The Renaissance masters could do what they did, because they first knew themSelves as they really were, and the genius of their gifts was born from living and working as their True Selves in the world. Healing past-life trauma or generational trauma that are part of gaining freedom from the Patriarchy Core Wound is nearly always a crucial concurrent step on this path. Today we need a new Renaissance ~ a new rebirth of Self-Knowledge like the Renaissance masters had ~ so that we can fully live and work in our own unique genius zones and bring forth our own unique gifts. In this way, we will heal and transform our lives, achieve our new dreams, and fulfill our Souls’ Highest Callings in the world.

The Renaissance needed this time is a Renaissance of women. Women are called to bring back the balance and partnership that was lost when our world collectively devolved into patriarchy and embarked on the Hero’s Quest. This first starts for each woman by healing the personal traumas of the Patriarchy Core Wound in her life, including generational and past-life trauma, that are the barriers to Knowing herSelf, and then embodying her True Self, going forward in her life, marriage and other relationships, and work in the world.

If you are feeling a stirring, deep recognition and resonance in your heart and Soul, then consider the possibility that you are called to be part of this women’s Renaissance.

Olivia healed from generational trauma-min.png

Olivia had lived with a deep, persistent sadness for as long as she could remember. No matter what she was doing, or how happy she appeared, there it was, like a gray shadow in her eyes, in the background of her inner world. She contacted me after her daughter had been molested by an extended family member. Even with the work she did to heal from this experience, nothing changed the sadness. She realized to fully heal and to support her daughter and family to fully heal so all of them could flourish in this life, she had to find and heal the root of her own deep sadness. We did. This was the SOULShift that transformed Olivia’s life, and opened the doorway to healing for her entire family.

SOULShift ~ Soul Work and Healing your Patriarchy Core Wound that Changes Everything

If the way you have lived your life and achieved your goals and dreams in the past isn’t working for you anymore, and if you feel:

  • A deep discontent and inner restlessness,

  • An inner dryness and aridity of Soul that you have never felt before,

  • Held back as if in an inner prison by painful, possibly unexplainable, emotions that limit you from freely living your life with joy,

  • Insistent, urgent hunger for more, or

  • Stuck on the threshold of something new and bigger that you have not been able to step over and grasp until now,

then SOULShift can be the shift that changes everything for you.

I will guide you through the shadow work you need to heal the part of the Patriarchy Core Wound at the root of the most urgent hidden trauma holding you back from knowing yourSelf, and from Being your True Self in the world. You will be guided across the threshold continuing your Heroine’s Journey. With my guidance, you will:

  • Understand the message and meaning of your Soul’s discontent,

  • Begin reconnecting with your Soul,

  • Find the essence of the Patriarchy Core Wound you need to heal.

  • Cross over the crucial turning point: Heal your painful emotions, and find and heal the trauma, including generational or past-life trauma, at the root of the Patriarchy Core Wound keeping you trapped, so that you can finally start moving again, freed to become your Highest Self, so you can transform your life, create the marriage with your Beloved that will fill your heart with joy, achieve your new dreams, and birth your genius and unique gifts to fulfill your Soul’s Highest Calling,

  • Begin to discern what you promised to do in this lifetime (or refine what you already know).

You will be guided through a deeply personalized experiential, educational and emotional-spiritual healing process of Soulwork and core wound healing, beginning your personal Renaissance. Keeping all the knowledge, skills, talents and abilities you gained from following the Hero’s Quest, you will begin reclaiming your innate woman’s power and gifts. You will begin the process of coming to know your essential True Self.

Through the soul work of healing your most urgent hidden core wound in the Patriarchy Core Wound, including healing past-life trauma or generational trauma, you will make the shift you need to begin embodying your Highest Self, so you can achieve your new dreams, accomplish your Great Work, and create the soul-satisfyingly rich and fulfilling life you hunger for now. Your Soul is pressing you to be heard, embraced and expressed. The fulfillment of your heart’s Desires and new dreams, and your Soul’s highest calling ~ the legacy that only you can leave ~ will be found on the other side of healing this hidden trauma and core wound, and crossing the threshold continuing your Heroine’s Journey.

And it all begins with one shift – a SOULShift.

Purple hydrangea - Find the hidden, most urgent trauma of the Patriarchy Core Wound holding you back.  Heal it.  Begin your Heroine's journey to your new dreams.

What Makes SOULShift Unique?

SOULShift is the flagship advanced signature Specialized Structured Program of my Heroine’s Journey Programs™. Distinctly different than conventional talk therapy or coaching, where you would gain insights, understanding and suggestions for solutions that are only available through your conscious or possibly subconscious mind, SOULShift is an intentionally, Divinely designed signature system and program guiding you through the next stage of your Heroine’s Journey, in finding and healing the most urgent trauma in the Patriarchy Core Wound that is the invisible barrier holding you back . The Soul Work I will guide you through in SOULShift, will access all levels of your consciousness and mind – your conscious mind that you can access directly, plus your subconscious and unconscious minds, plus that part of you that is trans-personal, and goes beyond this lifetime. And we will access all 7 levels of your Being in your personalized, guided process to find and heal the specific trauma of the Patriarchy Core Wound that stops you from stepping into your Highest Self.

In this way, we go much deeper and beyond what is conventionally possible. SOULShift includes core wound healing from past life trauma and healing generational trauma, so that we find, heal and release the hidden injury inside you, that has kept you in the status quo of your life, your marriage, and your work in the world.

The SOULShift Heroine’s Journey Program is highly personalized to you, and will give you answers, insights, and healing that you may not have known is possible – until now. AND the Soulwork you’ll be guided through in healing the lynch pin trauma of the Patriarchy Core Wound will help you understand and make sense of your life, and your entire life journey to this point, in ways that you likely never had before. This alone opens clients to so much insight and clarity about their Soul’s Highest Calling, and also brings so much peace about what their life journey has involved to this point.

The healing of your shadow self available through SOULShift is lasting. The resources I draw upon are backed by research and validated to be among the very best for healing invisible wounds and the impact of trauma – no matter when the painful events happened. SOULShift has the bona fide power to genuinely shift your life, so you are freed to cross the threshold you have been stuck on for so long. Participating in SOULShift will set you on a new course to the fulfillment of your highest potential for this lifetime, the freedom to create the deeply joyful and meaningful life and marriage you hunger for now, and the accomplishment of your Great Work and Soul’s Highest Calling, that you came to this lifetime to bring to the world.

Kimberly found a new love after divorce-min.png

Kimberly divorced her husband and deeply wanted to be remarried - to him. They had tried everything they could to transform their marriage - couple’s counseling, Imago work, talking to their church minister. They had tried ignoring their painful patterns, they tried living apart. Nothing resolved things so they divorced. Yet Kimberly and her ex were great friends. They traveled and spent major holidays together with their children. Every time they broached getting remarried, the old patterns started again. What was keeping Kimberly half in and half out of the relationship? Through our work together, we found the core wound that was keeping Kim half in and half out of the relationship with her ex. She is now happily remarried- to a new love, and they are perfect for each other.

Some things I Know For Sure

The Cost of Waiting is High.

Waiting to say yes to fulfilling the deep hunger you feel inside for more, to say yes to fulfilling the calling of your Soul, and the fulfillment of your Heart's Desires have high costs. Among them:

  • Continuing to stay stuck in the current status quo of your life, for months, or even years.

  • Depression, living your life without joy, without the love that will make your woman’s heart sing, without deepened meaning and purpose, without feeling like you ever fully lived.

  • Not living up to your full potential. Living your life according to other people’s ideas about who you are and what you should do with your life.

  • Regret about not doing that Great Thing that only you can do, or not leaving the legacy that only you can leave.

  • Failing other people. Disappointment in yourself about not serving all the people whose lives you promised to transform through your gifts.
    Time is the only non-renewable resource we have. Every passing day is a day that you will never have again to say yes to the deep hunger for more inside of you, to the calling of your Soul, the fulfillment of your Heart's deep Desires and to leaving your legacy through the gifts that you alone can give this world.

A Lasting Shift for Your Soul is Possible.

I have personally experienced this kind of Soul Work, and deep healing of trauma of the Patriarchy Core Wound, and have been guiding other women through their own lasting soul shifts for many years. It was through my own journey of healing, that began with a similar shift for my own Soul, which gave me the clarity and confidence to step into my own Soul’s Highest Calling. Through this process I saw clearly that one of the main reasons for my entire life’s journey and life experiences has been to prepare me to facilitate SOULShift for you.

If this resonates with you, it is time to listen and say yes to the deep hunger you feel inside, to say yes to the calling of your Soul, and the deep joy, love and fulfillment you will find when you do. This kind of shift for your Soul is the crucial turning point to continue your Heroine’s Journey ~ and ultimately the fulfillment of your Soul’s Highest Calling ~ that only YOU can fulfill.

I learned years ago, there comes a season when saying yes to the calling of our Souls is the only lasting way to peace and freedom, and the deepened love, joy and meaningful life we Desire, in whatever area of life ~ whether in life, love or work. Once we have reached the threshold that we can’t cross over through continuing to follow the Hero’s Quest, saying yes to our Souls and continuing on our Heroine’s Journey is the only way to cross it, and fulfill our new dreams.

There is something extremely important that saying yes to your Soul hunger, will prepare you to do ~ that only you can do ~ waiting for you on the other side. Through SOULShift, I will guide you across the threshold you haven’t been able to cross, on your Heroine’s Journey. I’ll guide you through the powerful turning point of soul work and healing the trauma of the Patriarchy Core Wound that will lead you to metamorphosis of your shadow self, and to embodying your Sovereign Feminine Soul, and fulfilling your Soul’s Highest Calling.

The achievement of your new dreams, and joy, love, fulfillment and meaning beyond imagining are waiting for you on the journey ahead.

Does This Speak to Your Heart?

Tune in to your Heart and your woman's deep Inner Knowing in your body ...
If what you have read here speaks to your heart and resonates with your deepest Desires, and you feel a woman's inner recognition of truth ~ if you are ready to break free of the deep, insistent restlessness and dissatisfaction you feel and create the joyful and fulfilling life your Soul hungers for now ~ if you sense there is something much bigger for you to do, to give and to become ~ then I invite you to request the Program Invitation, and learn more about SOULShift: The Healing that Changes Everything.

It’s Easy to Take the Next Step.

Then let's talk and see if we're a fit for helping you heal your shadow self and the most urgent trauma of the Patriarchy Core Wound at the root of what is blocking you from embodying your Highest Self, so you can transform your life, achieve your new dreams, and fulfill your Soul’s Highest Calling through your unique gifts ~ the life that will make your Soul sing with joy.

Purple hydrangea Find the hidden, most urgent trauma of the patriarchy core wound holding you back,  Heal it.  Begin your heroine's journey to your new dreams.